This is a very strange phenomenon. Patients forget not only their past, but also their own identity. A person can wake up and suddenly they have no sense of who they are, even if they look in the mirror, they do not recognize their own reflection. All the details in your wallet, driver’s license, credit cards, IDs, are meaningless. This type of amnesia is usually triggered by an event that the person’s mind cannot properly cope with. In most cases, your memory, slowly or suddenly, returns within a few days. However, the memory of the shocking event itself can never be fully returned. More information on Post-traumatic Amnesia Dissociative amnesia

It is memory loss caused by a hard blow to the head for example, a car accident. People with post-traumatic amnesia may experience a brief loss of consciousness or even go into a coma. In most cases, how long it lasts usually depends on the severity of the injury. Sports scientists say that amnesia is an important indicator of concussion. Expand this information in the article on anterograde amnesia Where the patient cannot remember new information, things that happened recently, the information that must be stored in short-term memory disappears. This is usually caused by brain trauma (brain damage from a blow to the head, for example). However, a patient with antegrade amnesia can recall facts and events that occurred before the injury. There are different types of amnesia. Below is a list of the most common: Anterograde amnesia

#Types of amnesia how to#