Surgeon simulator tv tropes
Surgeon simulator tv tropes

surgeon simulator tv tropes surgeon simulator tv tropes

One good example is in HSL when she sneaks into the boys locker room and hides in a locker just to see Lysander's tattoo when she could've just asked him what it was (and if your LO'M is high enough, he would show it to you anyway). Idiot Ball: Occasionally has this in her hands to get a plot point going.She feels guilty about that specific aspect. Hormone-Addled Teenager: She spends a good amount of episode 37 thinking about sex.Others, such as Patrick, even point this out. Heroic Self-Deprecation: Despite how much she does to help others, she has a tendency to be pretty down on herself in her internal monologue.It's especially evident in illustrations with Armin. Hair Color Dissonance: Her black hair option looks almost purple.To be fair, seeing the characters and situations she has to deal with daily it was only natural she'd develop a sense of snark. Deadpan Snarker: Grew into this role in later episodes.And yes she was still single at the time. In UL, she has a sex dream where she has a threesome with the love interest with the highest LO'M and whoever else is in the illustration.One rather amusing example is in episode 23, where, despite knowing the seriousness of the situation, she briefly forgets her worries to comment on the fact that Nathaniel sleeps in boxers. Covert Pervert: For such a nice, sweet girl, she does show some pretty.She typically expresses her jealousy through passive aggression. Clingy Jealous Girl: Though it really depends on the choices you make and what boys you like, once you get your candy going she can really get this way.Butt-Monkey: If there is some kind of humiliation, punishment, or misfortune to suffer, she will suffer it.

Surgeon simulator tv tropes