There's a number of big brands (such as, shall we call them 'Hadidas') that have been said to use these farms for their puffer jackets and whatnot, There are of course e-petitions against this, but I do believe it's just simpler to stay away from the stuff and buy synthetic. You can buy cruelty-free down, but it can still be questionable. Of course, people want it cheaper so plucking the same bird 6 times a year can produce more for less, just think of the crap life that bird has for your cheap pillow. What's more, it's completely unnecessary considering the rather large meat industry which readily provides corpses for plucking (thus avoiding a great deal of pain). There are farms in Europe and Asia where the birds are plucked while alive- this is similar to me just pulling your hair out, it's painful and can leave huge bleeding nasty injuries that can get infected. I know some people love their feather pillows and duvets, coats padded with down, but most of them don't have a clue where this comes from. This video may have been released a few years ago, but very little has changed. It's also somewhat refreshing to see a magician who's personable and approachable, I'm tired of these steely-eyed, distant men that stare and stare at a squirming audience member until dramatically whispering out their pin number. That's why I am currently enjoying ch4's Ben Earl: Trick Artist, I feel I'm maybe alone in that as many of the comments on videos are of how 'boring' it is as it's simply all illusions and pick-pocketing, but I am liking being slightly tickled. I've reached the point where I just want to be amused, not made to feel uncomfortable for what seems like an eternity. I quite enjoyed seeing Carey take on the Blaine-esque role, forcing the audience to question why the hell do we see someone torturing themself as entertainment? I have to say 'shock magic' now does nothing for me, I don't want to see someone pulling a nail on a string out of their belly or walking bare-foot on broken glass. We are all to familiar with both, as everyone at some point has seen men in suits the Prince of Arabia wouldn't be caught dead in parading around smoky stages (and I'm not talking about a Kiss concert here), and thanks to David Blaine we've seen the new 'magic' which basically consists of one pushing their body past its limits in front of as many people as possible.

I did find it somewhat thought provoking though, seeing the conflict between the old and new magic school.